Frequently Asked Questions:
After being a locksmith for so many years, you're seem to be asked many of the same or similar questions over and over. On our frequently asked questions page, you can find the questions and answers to our most common locksmith questions.
Please click the question below you wish to view the answer to. If you do not see your question listed below, please give us a call and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have!
There are many situations in which it is a good idea to call a locksmith. At Mike Keys Locksmith we can provide you with any locksmith service that you need. We make keys for homes, offices and cars. We install security hardware (such as deadbolts) and access control systems. We can give you advice for your particular security need. We can help you gain access to your home, office, or car if you happen to get locked out. You name it, we can help you with it. If for some reason we cannot help you with something, we will work with you to assist you to find someone who can. Your safety is our main concern.